

The Wobblestop Manual

The manual was written for teachers, parents and the children! The aim of the manual was to create an easy to use resource that could be adapted to the requirement of teachers and parents alike. The manual contains a range exercises and activities that can either be conducted inside in the classroom or outside in the playground. Some activities concentrate more on posture and core stability, while others have a more aerobic exercise component.

The exercise and activity “rationale” is explained. The author, being an experienced physiotherapist felt it was important to explain why the exercises were chosen and what it was they were trying to achieve.

The manual was written in accordance with the NSW K-Y2 PDHPE curriculum requirements and can be used as a tool to assist teachers in the organisation of their PE sessions. As explained in “The Program” section, the teachers can use the manual as a guide to run a 6 to 8 week PE program (hourly sessions) or the teachers can pick certain activities to run as short 5 to 15 minute classroom breaks or activity sessions.

The manual works through from the seated classroom activities to aerobic outdoor activity and exercises. The manual gives visual and verbal demonstrations of how to implement the exercises and provides great images and interactive exercise/activity ideas to get the kids involved. The manual contains some activity/work pages for parents to work through with their children. These activities address specific handwriting and reading difficulties, allowing parents and teachers to tackle the issues early either at school or in the privacy of their own home.

The appendix contains a table of Sensory-Motor Development from ages 3 to 8 years. This can be a great reference for parents and teachers to gauge if their child is meeting developmental norms. In addition, it assists teachers to know what to expect developmentally from each age group to ensure they are setting physical tasks at an age appropriate level.

Table of Contents

  • Ch1 – Character Introduction
  • Ch2 – Seated Posture and Classroom Activities
  • Ch3 – Standing Posture and Activites
  • Ch4 – Balance and Arch (foot) Strengthening Exercises
  • Ch5 – Ball Activities/Exercises
  • Ch6 – All 4’s Activities and Exercises
  • Ch7 – Breathing Exercises and Aerobic Activities
  • Ch8 – Ergonomic Education for Children
  • Ch9 – Appendix