Karen Coe from Encompass Physiotherapy (WobbleStop creator) will attend your education department (CEO,IAS or Public), individual school, pre-school or community centre.
“WobbleStop – Core Stability for Kids” is a holistic program and may particularly benefit children with:
. Delayed fine and gross motor development
. Children with low muscle tone, hypermobility and or joint laxity and who experience general aches and pains
. Children who experience difficulty with hand writing and/or using scissors
. Children who experience difficulty with hand/eye coordination or dissociation of head from eye movement (this can affect reading ability)
. Children who are generally clumsy or appear uncoordinated and who self exclude from physical activity as a result
. Children with a diagnosis of ADHD, Aspergers, Depression, Anxiety, Dyspraxia/Physical Disability
. Can improve general physical confidence in the classroom, the playground and on the sporting field for all children
up to 40 teachers/participants
Based on an hourly rate of $160.00/hour.
Karen Coe from “Encompass Physiotherapy” has developed this program using the teach the teacher approach.
Workshops can be run on Professional Development days to individual or groups of schools. The length of time and content can vary depending on indivual requirements. Evening workshops are available.
Encompass Physiotherapy will provide the equipment for the days activities.
Encompass Physiotherapy can come to your school for the day and address all members of your school community providing fun interactive presentations to all ages:
Daily sessions can be individually tailored to your school’s requirements.
Schools may wish to focus the entire day on the WobbleStop Program for K-Year 2 students. The teachers will be given a comprehensive education session on the WobbleStop Program, including the core principles and the exercises and activities involved (similar to the workshop day mentioned above). The practical sessions can be done in the classroom with the students.
Schools can purchase the lectures for the older students and Encompass Physiotherapy will attend for a 1/2 day session or hourly lecture.
It is difficult to teach students about good posture and good habits if you are experiencing pain or discomfort yourself.